Little Nippers - reflections of a first-time mum

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Weaning time and the boss from hell

Now Pork Chop is nearing seven months I am well on the way to weaning her off the boobies and onto solid foods. I am actually quite enjoying finding different foods and pureeing them all up for her. It even tastes quite nice although it all does tend to look rather similar. The thing that struck me as amusing about it while I did the shopping yesterday, online of course, was that I spend all this time buying her special organic foods - the best quality apples, the nicest and juiciest pears, butternut squash untainted by chemicals and potatoes grown as they should be. There is not a GM tomato in sight when it comes to Pork Chop and I would be horrified at the thought of anything so unpure passing her lips.

When it comes to myself and The Other Half however it is a different story - any old crap will do. "What?! Have you seen the price of those organic sausages?" I remark and opt for the cheapo, ten per cent sausage, 90 per cent nasty old shite instead. I can't understand why I do it because before long Pork will be eating what we eat and so at some point in the near future we are going to have to marry the two diets up. But therein lies my dilemma. How do I do it without compromising her dietry integrity but not breaking the bank by going totally organic because it is bloody expensive. I realise that in actually have such a dilemma in the first place I am also being more than a little pretentious. In fact I am in grave danger of having my head stuck so far up my own arse I might disappear.

But anyhow, onto more pressing matters. My friend having the boyfriend trouble really has had the bad luck gremlin sitting on her shoulder this week. She eventually met up with the boyf, big long discussion ensued and they decide to split. For Good. That was until he called her and said he thought he might have been too rash and perhaps they should rethink things. Personally I don't understand what there is to rethink - he is a pyscho with a short temper and a bad attitude. But as I mentioned yesterday the lure of the cock after a long dry spell is a strong one.

Not only that but my poor friend, who is also a work colleague and technically my immediate boss, has been effectively pushed out of her job. It is abundantly clear our boss hasn't wanted her there since he started. I got the same appalling treatment to a certain extent as well until he found out I was pregnant and then backed off either a) because he was worried about me suing if anything happened to the baby or b) he was hoping I might just have her and never come back, thereby solving the problem of how he might eventually get rid of me. Anyway, she has had to put up with his mysogynistic shit for months. No matter what she does it is wrong, if she does something quickly she is wrong, slowly and she is wrong, she is even wrong about things that she wasn't in work for because she was on holiday. You get what I am saying, nothing she does in his eyes, for whatever reason will ever be right. It is a shame because she is highly talented and organised and the newsroom runs a whole lot better for her presence.

As I said she has been subject to his foul attempts to oust her for some time and she has actively been looking for another job. I am pleased to say she has just got one which is better paid and offers better career prospects. Which is just as well because yesterday he called her in to say she wasn't doing her job properly and he is planning on taking disciplinary procedures against her if she doesn't improve in a month. Now if you have the jist of what I have been saying you will no doubt realise that whatever she does, she could fly around the newsroom, wearing a tutu with truly groundbreaking stories coming out of her ears and it still wouldn't be enough. He has it in for her plain and simple and if she doesn't leave now then he will make damn sure she will with a black mark on her employment record.

He is nasty, manipulative and has effectively forced her out of her job. I think she has grounds for constructive dismissal and hope she goes for it. I am pleased she has a new job to go to though but it does seriously make me reconsider going back. I am quite convinced I will be next in his firing line if I do.

And they say we live in the 21st Century. Hmmm....


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