Little Nippers - reflections of a first-time mum

Friday, November 24, 2006

Waking up early and weird lights

I am fortunate enough that Pork Chop now sleeps through the night at eight months. Pretty much 7 to 7 which is wonderful. Yet, my sleep is till broken by The Other Half getting up very very early to go to work at the moment. I feel rather bad about complaining about this as he is after all the one who is bringing home the bacon while I am merely sitting on my arse all day watching Jeremy Kyle (or at least that is what he thinks).

However, I reckon he could do it a teensy weensy little bit quieter than he actually does now which generally involves the moo cow alarm clock going off very loudly at 6am, him leaping out of bed, stomping around the room and managing to turn every single light in the house on. A few more crashes and bangs, plus him jumping on me and telling me he has to go to work (as if I hadn't already realised and wasn't already woken up) is enough to make sure I am not going to go back to sleep any time soon.

Is it too much to ask that he does it a little quieter or am I being really mean?

Anyway, we bought some new lights for our lounge the other day, or to be more precise, some new light shades. They are these white round tooth-like lights which look fabulous once up but are a bugger to put together because they come in 60+ plastic sections which all have to be folded and clipped into place in the right order. There should surely be a warning on the box, something along the lines of don't buy this unless you have at least a degree or better still a membership to Mensa because they are stupidly difficult to put together. The Other Half did one two nights ago and I did the other last night. I now have raw skin on my fingers from folding sharp plastic for hours on end. On top of all that Pork Chop was looking gleefully at the one still on the floor earlier and it was by only diving after her that I managed to stop her chubby little fingers from death gripping it into pieces.

Still despite our toiling and toubles it is worth it and they look great.

Not looking forward to dusting the buggers though....

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